Pharmacie Sangwa

Pharmacie SANGWA Ltd is a retail pharmacy in Kigali Rwanda . With more than 10 years of experience, Pharmacie SANGWA is always looking for customer satisfaction .There are now two retail SANGWA pharmacies in Kigali City.
The first one located in quartier Mateus, and now we have opened a new branch . Both are retail pharmacies whose products offering includes genuine and internationally recognized pharmaceuticals, food supplements, veterinary, designer perfumes and cosmetics.

The company endeavors to provide exemplary service to its clients through total dedication to work by its directors and staff. The long-term objective is for the company to become the leading player in the pharmaceutical industry.

Services that we offer at SANGWA include:

-dispensing prescription and non -prescription medicines
-Providing health and medical products
-Tell you about how to use medicines and other health/medical products, or any related side effect.

We are partnering with different health insurances and other companies and organizations:

We also serve private who pay cash and we accept VISA and Master cards.


We are located in NYARUGENGE, quartier matheus , the popular shopping place within the city with ample parking space and security. The new branch is just in the round bout in Kigali City, close to chez venant and at roads junction towards Nyabugogo and towards Nyamirambo.
Our pharmacy stores offer you accessibility while the interior arrangement and organization ensures that your shopping is both pleasant as well as memorable. We have enough space for you to shop effectively.

People to contact :
1. Phn NDEMIRE Olivier : Phone number: 0788596367 Email: ondemire@yahoo.fr

Our products include medicines, food supplements, cosmetics and personal care products, health and medical equipment.
You are most welcome.

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