Welcome to kigalihe.com, the source of health and medical information in Kigali.
Kigalihe.com is offering healthcare directory, health education and allow you to interact with doctors .
The kigalihe.com is an accurate and comprehensive directory of medical and health services in Kigali. The directory include:
Public hospitals
Private hospitals and clinics
Dental clinics
Eye Hospital and clinics
Supplements providers
Health and fitness clubs.
Get listed or update your business listing. With a listing on kigalihe.com, your will reach a global audience as we are the leading guide for locating health and medical practitioners and services i Kigali. Simply email your updated information regarding address, services and your health insurances partners.
Kigalihe.com also offers a variety of resources, medical presentations,articles and health information to professionnals and community.
Kigalihe.com helps members to discover, find and connect with professionnals.
We want to hear from you, so let us know if you have any input, question or comment,or if you need help with a feature on our site. Feel free to use our feedback service to get in touch with us.
We strive to bring the consumer the professionnal accurate information to ensure a helping hand when you need it most.
We believe that providing a compelling search experience will empowe users to live their online time more richly and efficiently.
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